Sphinx Pythia Theme#


This is the Sphinx Pythia Theme, a Sphinx theme for use with Jupyter Books. The Sphinx Pythia Theme inherits from the Sphinx Book Theme, which is used by default in Jupyter Books. It can be used on its own, outside of a Jupyter Book, however, just like the Sphinx Book Theme, itself.

Read more about the Sphinx Pythia Theme
Photo by Jeff Stapleton from Pexels

Beyond Sphinx Book Theme#

The Sphinx Pythia Theme adds some new features to the existing features provided by the Sphinx Book Theme and the PyData Sphinx Theme, upon which the Sphinx Book Theme is built.

Standalone Layouts#

Another kind of alternate layout is the standalone layout, which displays text exactly the same way as the banner layout, but it does not separate out the sections into separate “banners.” The heading fonts and styling are the same.


Click the button below to look at the Sphinx Pythia Theme documentation.

Read the documentation